15 August 2006

Show with Lianna and Jen Wallwork Dominguez at the Commodore, Nashville, 8.11.06

My friend Lianna hosted a songwriter's dinner at her home a few weeks back, and I went and met some great new folks and had a marvelous time. In addition to great food and company, I also walked out the door with an invitation to play the Commodore. It's one of my favorite rooms in Nashville, so I was very pleased and agreed immediately to do the show.

When I arrived Friday night, I had worked up a couple new songs (new to Nashville, anyway) from the repetoire to try out. There was a good crowd in the room already, and several folks from Divinity School and other walks of my life arrived to listen as well. So I was super pleased with the turnout and the response.

One of the best parts of the evening, though, was the surprise of finding that Jen Wallwork Dominguez was third on the bill for our round. She just had a baby a few weeks back, so I hadn't expected her to be out and playing for another month or so at least, but she was in great form and sang several songs that (as always) blew me away. Both Jen and Lianna won some new fans that night with their great performances and songwriting.

I was pretty pleased with my part of the set, too - though, as often hapens, I kept feeling that my music doesn't fit so well in the singer-songwriter setting. I started the set with Babylon, Alabama (I picked that one becuase I like the rhythm and tempo of it - it seemed to fit the "grab the attention" needs of a loud bar). During the second pass I played The Man Who Lost the Sea, and I finished off with Wasting Time with You (which went a lot better than the last time I played it in public)

On the whole, a good show. Thank you Lianna for booking it and Lee Rascone for hosting it (and great to see Jen and all of you who came out to listen)!


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